Cara Termudah Untuk Membuat Roti ban sekuter aka marble cake yang Mantap

Kumpulan Resep Bolu Pilihan Bunda yang Enak dan Lezat

Roti ban sekuter aka marble cake. This pretty Marble Cake is a combination of vanilla and chocolate batters that are swirled together just before baking to give that wonderful marbled effect. A Marble Cake may look complicated, but it's actually one batter that is divided and then melted chocolate is added to one portion. Allow to cool completely before inverting.

Roti ban sekuter aka marble cake A wide variety of marble cake options are available to you, such as feature, type, and certification. Who doesn't love a good marble cake? There is something so appealing and festive about the beautifully marbled swirl that appears when you cut off a slice. Bunda dapat memasak Roti ban sekuter aka marble cake menggunakan 6 bumbu dan dalam 7 tahapan. Begini cara memasak santapannya.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan Roti ban sekuter aka marble cake

  1. Olah telur sebanyak 7 butir.
  2. Siapkan terigu (kira2 1/4kg) sebanyak 1,5 gelas kecil.
  3. Olah gula pasir (dikira2 aja) sebanyak 7 sdm.
  4. Bunda dapat Siapkan baking powder sebanyak 1 sdt.
  5. Siapkan mentega cair sebanyak 100 gr.
  6. Olah coklat bubuk (td krn gaada aku pake milo) sebanyak 1 sdm.

This German Marble Cake brings back such happy memories for the girls. The technique of this cake is to. This delicious marble cake recipe is from the "Martha Stewart Baking Handbook." Best marble cake I've made. The checker board filling might seem hard as they tend to mix but they don't.

Instruksi Untuk Menyiapkan Roti ban sekuter aka marble cake

  1. Kocok 6 butir telur dan gula sampai mengembang setelah mengembang masukkan 1 butir telur lagi kocok dgn mixer sampai putih dan mengembang.
  2. Masukkan baking powder kocok lagi sampai putih dan halus turunkan speed mixer jd sedang masukkan tepung terigu pelan2.
  3. Campur sampai rata matikan mixer masukan mentega cair aduk pakai spatula sampai rata.
  4. Ambil 4sdm adonan campur dgn bubuk coklat.
  5. Siapkan loyang yg sudah di lumuri mentega dan terigu taruh adonan putih terlebih dahulu stelah itu adonan coklat.
  6. Masukkan di oven panggang sekitar 30menit.
  7. Sajikan selagi panas enak banget.

So just apply as instructed and do not mix to much. This super easy chocolate marble cake recipe has a mocha twist, adding a rich flavour. A perfect teatime treat enjoyed plain or with a chocolate drizzle. Sliced marble bundt cake on paper. Find this Pin and more on cake by Geraldine.