Cara Termudah Untuk Mengolah Cream Cheese Roll Cake yang Enak

Kumpulan Resep Bolu Pilihan Bunda yang Enak dan Lezat

Cream Cheese Roll Cake. Check Our Step-By-Step Guide To Bake Up A Sweet Treat For Your Loved Ones. Once the cake is done, invert it onto the towel and lift the towel to roll the cake into a log. The towel will wrap into the cake.

Cream Cheese Roll Cake Carrot Cake Roll is truly is the best carrot cake recipe! Carrot cake in general is one of the most loved cake recipes because its insanely delish! This would be wonderful for Easter or even for Valentines day! Bunda dapat memasak Cream Cheese Roll Cake menggunakan 16 bumbu dan dalam 6 tahapan. Begini cara menyiapkan santapannya.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan Cream Cheese Roll Cake

  1. Bunda dapat Siapkan telur fresh sebanyak 6 btr.
  2. Bunda dapat Siapkan gula pasir halus sebanyak 90 gr.
  3. Siapkan emulsifier sebanyak 1 sdm.
  4. Olah tepung segitiga (me,kunci biru) sebanyak 70 gr.
  5. Siapkan maizena sebanyak 10 gr.
  6. Olah susu bubuk sebanyak 10 gr.
  7. Bunda dapat Siapkan vanilla essence sebanyak 1 sdt.
  8. Bunda dapat Siapkan butter, lelehkan sebanyak 125 gr.
  9. Olah Filling: sebanyak .
  10. Olah cream cheese sebanyak 90 gr.
  11. Olah icing sugar sebanyak 25 gr.
  12. Siapkan butter unsalted sebanyak 25 gr.
  13. Bunda dapat Siapkan Campur semua bahan filling jadi satu, mixer sebentar sampai tercampur rata sebanyak .
  14. Bunda dapat Siapkan Topping: sebanyak .
  15. Siapkan butter cream sebanyak Secukupnya.
  16. Olah keju parut sebanyak Secukupnya.

As the weather warms and Easter approaches, this carrot cake roll with cream cheese filling has become a much-requested dessert. Simple, irresistible, delicious, and easy to make. This cake is often known as a jelly-roll, although it may or may not be filled with jelly; quite often a roll has a whipped cream or cream cheese filling. Other common names are Swiss Roll, and Roulade.

Langkah-langkah Untuk Membuat Cream Cheese Roll Cake

  1. Siapkan loyang, olesi loyang dgn margarine, alasi dgn baking paper. Olesi lagi dgn margarine, sisihkan.
  2. Ayak terigu, maizena, dan susu bubuk. campur semua bahan jd satu kecuali butter cair, kocok dgn mixer kecepatan tinggi hingga mengembang, kental berjejak dan putih.
  3. Masukkan mentega cair, aduk balik dgn spatula hingga merata dan homogen. Panggang dgn suhu 200 derajat celcius selama 15mntan api atas bawah, atau sesuai oven masing2.
  4. Kluarkan dr loyang, lalu dinginkan, beri filling atau sesuai selera dan gulung lalu dipadatkan..
  5. .
  6. .

To make a roll, first bake a sponge cake in a shallow jelly-roll pan. Cake rolls take a lot less time to make than baking a cake and always look impressive. Take it to a party or serve to your guests or a loved one. To store this cinnamon roll cake: Just like fresh baked cinnamon rolls, I think this cake is best enjoyed the same day it's baked. Add the vanilla and powdered sugar, beating until smooth.