Resep: Keto Choco swiss roll cake yang maknyus

Kumpulan Resep Bolu Pilihan Bunda yang Enak dan Lezat

Keto Choco swiss roll cake. Combine dry cake ingredients in a bowl, then slowly mix as you add the wet ingredients. Spread dough on a silpat on a cookie sheet. Let cake cook, then cream together all of the cream cheese filling ingredients.

Keto Choco swiss roll cake Low Carb Chocolate Roulade or a Keto Yule Log is very popular on a Christmas tables and for some families it is a must to have. Add some Keto sprinkles on top or decorated with a few branches of Christmas tree and you have it all set and done. We bake this Keto Chocolate Roll Cake throughout the year, Valentines included, but mostly Summer. Bunda dapat menyiapkan Keto Choco swiss roll cake menggunakan 16 bumbu dan dalam 9 tahapan. Begini cara memasak makanannya.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan Keto Choco swiss roll cake

  1. Bunda dapat Siapkan telur ayam sebanyak 4 butir.
  2. Olah SP sebanyak 15 gram.
  3. Olah nutrijel coklat ayak buang gulanya sebanyak 1 bungkus.
  4. Olah agar² coklat sebanyak 1 bungkus.
  5. Olah butter cairkan sebanyak 75 gram.
  6. Siapkan cream chese sebanyak 50 gram.
  7. Siapkan coklat bubuk diayak sebanyak 1 sdm.
  8. Olah baking powder sebanyak 1 sdt.
  9. Siapkan garam himalaya sebanyak 1/4 sdt.
  10. Bunda dapat Siapkan sukralose cair sebanyak 10 tetes.
  11. Olah vanila sebanyak 1/2 sdt.
  12. Siapkan Bahan isian sebanyak .
  13. Siapkan cream cheese sebanyak 50 gram.
  14. Bunda dapat Siapkan dairy whipped cream cair sebanyak 100 ml.
  15. Olah butter sebanyak 20 gram.
  16. Siapkan sukralose cair sebanyak 5 tetes.

Chocolate Roll Cake is an easy and simple recipe for your Christmas table. This roll cake is low carb, keto, and sugar-free. The holidays are around the corner and this Keto, sugar-free and low carb Chocolate Roll Cake would be an amazing addition to your dessert table. Combine dry cake ingredients in a bowl, then slowly mix as you add the wet ingredients.

Instruksi Untuk Menyiapkan Keto Choco swiss roll cake

  1. Cairkan butter. Panaskan oven suhu 200 derajat.
  2. Kocok telur & SP sampai mengembang kental berjejak. Setelah adonan telur mengembang, tambahkan Bp & garam.
  3. Kocok adonan telur sampai kental berjejak. Kurangi kecepatan mixer masukan nutrijel, agar², coklat bubuk & vanili kocok perlahan hingga tercampur rata.
  4. Matikan mixer, tuang butter & cream cheese lalu aduk balik dg spatula teteskan sukralose sesuai selera.
  5. Tuang adonan cake ke dalam loyang size 20 x 20 cm, yg dialasi kertas roti. hentakan loyang 3x agar udara keluar dr adonan.
  6. Masukan ke dalam oven panas, panggang selama 15 menit api bawah atas.
  7. Bila permukaan cake terlihat kering & tercium wanginya, tandanya sudah matang. keluarkan dr oven, ketika masih hangat, keluarkan cake dr loyang lalu gulung perlahan. Diamkan hingga dingin dalam keadaan tergulung.
  8. Cara membuat isian: mixer semua bahan, hingga tercampur rata & mengental.
  9. Setelah cake dingin, oleskan isian. gulung kembali lalu simpan di lemari es.

Spread dough on a Silpat on a cookie sheet. Let cake cook, then cream together all of the cream cheese filling ingredients. Spread filling over cake, then roll cake tightly. The simple keto cake recipe can absolutely hold its own against any cake mix or bakery style chocolate cake. Super dense and fudgy, it can be naturally gluten free, dairy free, oil free, and vegan… and I've served it to enough people by now who aren't on any kind of special diet that I can confidently say: even if you're used to traditional sugar-and-flour.